Selection Criteria
Our program seeks to accept strongly motivated, hard-working and highly qualified candidates interested in pursuing a career in urologic surgery. Accordingly, we are looking for a cohort of residents that will be self-directed learners with a proven track record of academic excellence. Candidates should also be excellent communicators and collaborators, as well as displaying strong team-first behaviour. Prior research experience is not required, but strongly recommended. We strongly encourage candidates who aspire to a career in academic urology because of the depth of resources available at the University of Toronto and through our Division of Urology.
The Division has 3-4 CMG training positions per year and will also accept up to 1 qualified IMG applicant each year. Visa-sponsored trainee applications are considered on an ad hoc basis.
Applicants will be assessed through the CaRMS application process ( Candidates who fail to meet the above outlined criteria will not be considered further. Those applicants meeting the above criteria by providing evidence of the above qualities and attributes will be granted an interview at the national Canadian Urology Fair in Toronto, through CaRMS.
All applicants granted an interview are reviewed by the Division of Urology selection committee through a merit-based process. Candidates will be ranked based on the scores of their application (40%), interview (40%), and general fit with the program (20%). The selection committee reserves the right to adjust final rankings by consensus to address issues of program priority and diversity.
Non-CMG and non-IMG students are welcomed to send complete applications to the Division for individual consideration (Personal statement, personal CV, reference letters, academic transcripts).
Selection Committee
The University of Toronto Urology Residency Training Program Selection Committee includes faculty and resident members from the Division. Each academic hospital has equal representation on this committee, and the current faculty members of the committee include:
- Dr. Antonio Finelli (Division Chair)
- Dr. Jason Lee (Program Director, UHN representative)
- Dr. Yonah Krakowsky (Assistant Program Director, Mount Sinai Hospital representative)
- Dr. Ron Kodama (Sunnybrook representative)
- Dr. Monica Farcas (St. Michael’s Hospital representative)
- Dr. Michael Chua (SickKids representative)
- Dr. Frank Papanikolaou (Community representative)
- Dr. Michael Kim (Resident representative)
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