Jason Lee
Training Program Director
The University of Toronto Division of Urology has a proud history of training outstanding urologists who are thought-leaders in the field and who go on to hold important academic and community positions within our specialty across North America.
The primary goal of our program is residency education and excellence in research. Our division strives to provide our residents with a world-class experience in every domain. We are represented by 30 full-time faculty members. There is great depth of clinical and academic experience in all subspecialty areas. We have approximately 25 residents as we usually accept 5 per year, and approximately 25% of our trainees participate in the Surgical Scientist Program through the Department of Surgery. Multiple fellows have been attracted to our division which has enhanced the international perspective and truly enriches the resident training experience.
The University of Toronto Urology training program is fully accredited by the Royal College. It is a 5-year curriculum with the first 1-2 years running concurrently with the Surgical Foundations training curriculum. The first year is spent rotating through urology, general surgery and kidney transplant/nephrology rotations as well. During the 2nd year of training, in addition to foundational urology rotations, our residents also spend time on surgical intensive care unit rotations. We do not have formal research rotations so that our residents are all eligible for certification by the American Board of Urology. The Residency Program Committee manages all aspects of post-graduate training, resident promotion, regular assessment of the curriculum and the implementation of the important Goals and Objectives for training as set forth by the Specialty Committee of the Royal College.
Our academic program is diverse and covers the substance of clinical urology in a rotating 2-year curriculum such that each resident receives at least 2 independent half-day sessions on each topic over 5 years. In addition, CanMeds objectives are addressed formally throughout the academic year in these sessions. Our clinical faculty all participate in teaching, as well as supervising journal clubs and conducting regular OSCE exams to prepare our graduates for the Royal College Examination. We have an annual research day for residents and fellows to present their research projects as well as multiple visiting professors each year. All of our residents do at least two research projects during their training and usually present their work at national and international meetings. Participation in the Surgical Scientist Program is strongly encouraged within our division.
From the Chair of our division, through all the faculty, there is a real commitment to excellence in our program. We strive to help all of our trainees find further training beyond residency as they prepare for their careers. We are fortunate to have a superb Administrative lead, Laura Andreacchi. She can be reached at urology.admin@utoronto.ca for further questions.
Yours sincerely,
Jason Lee, MD, MHPE, FRCSC
Training Program Director
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery
University of Toronto