Antonio "Tony" Finelli
Professor & Chair
“A man, though wise, should never be ashamed of learning more, and must unbend his mind.”
– Sophocles
Welcome to the Division of Urology at the University of Toronto. Urology is the study of surgical and medical therapies for disorders of the male and female urinary tract as well as the male genital system.
Urology has a proud heritage as an innovative and technologically advanced specialty. Two Nobel laureates belonged to our fraternity and novel scientific advancement such as shock-wave lithotripsy and robotic surgery were introduced into practice by Urology.
The Urology Division at the University of Toronto dates back to 1922 when the first Urology Service was started at Toronto General Hospital. The impact of the University of Toronto in terms of research, patient care and teaching has been globally impactful. Our group has been world leaders in virtually all urological subspecialities and it is fair to say that we have had a major role in shaping the modern practice of urology.
We are currently based at one of the six major University Teaching Hospitals and consist of 30 full time clinical faculty as well 1 full-time PHD scientist. We have secured over 20 million dollars in funding over the past 8 years. We also maintain major educational and clinical partnerships with many community hospitals. In terms of education, we presently have 25 residents and 24 fellows in our respective programs. We have trained many of the thought leaders both in Canada and throughout the globe.
We have recently completed a strategic planning exercise that sets forth our path for the next number of years. This website fulfills our desire to better communicate with each other, colleagues and the broader public at large.
Welcome to our website!
Antonio Finelli, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Professor & Chair