Robert J. Stewart
(416) 867-3686Fax
(416) 867-3675Assistant
Hospitals and Rotations
St. Michael's HospitalPractice Location
61 Queen Street E, Suite 9-111
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5C 2T2
Kidney, OncologyBiography
Dr. Stewart received his undergraduate degree from Queen’s University in Psychology in 1988. He then pursued medical school at Queens, graduating in 1992. 2 years of general surgery at Queens and then a move to urology at U of T. after 4th year, two years in the surgeon scientist program studying vascular biology and then upon completing urology training in 1995, did a two year fellowship with Dr. Judah Folkman at Harvard Medical School. He then returned to join the division of urology in Toronto, and became involved in residency education. He served as the program director for 10 years. He is the recipient of multiple teaching awards of the division at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. He is the recipient of awards including the Laidlaw prize from the Faculty of Medicine for research, and the Gallie-Bateman award from the Department of Surgery for research. Latterly he has been awarded with Department of Surgery awards, the Tovee prize for undergraduate education and the Tovee prize for post-graduate education.
His interest is renal transplantation and GU cancer.