Armando J. Lorenzo
Head of Division of Urology, The Hospital for Sick Children
Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto
Prinicipal Investigator, Research Institute
(416) 813-6661Fax
(416) 813-7869Assistant
Stephen PennycookeHospitals and Rotations
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)Practice Location
Paediatric UrologyBiography
Armando was born in Panama City, Panama where he lived until moving to the United States for Residency training in Urology. He spent 6 years in Dallas, completing an ACGME-approved program in Urology at UT Southwestern Medical School. While rotating at Children’s Medical Center he had the opportunity to explore all medical and surgical aspects of Pediatric Urology, experience that led him to pursue fellowship training in this sub-specialty. After visiting Toronto, he was granted a fellowship position at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto, including a research year in basic science funded by the Urology Care Foundation of the American Urological Association. Once he completed his fellowship, Armando obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Toronto’s HPME program. Since then, he has been a staff pediatric urologist at the Hospital for Sick Children and has advanced to the academic position of Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery and investigator at the Research Institute. He is Board Certified in Urology and Pediatric Urology by the American Board of Urology and as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Canada.
Armando’s interests are centered in clinical care, with focus in outcomes research, pediatric urological oncology and renal transplantation, generating multiple peer reviewed publications and book chapters. He is also co-director of the Fertility Preservation Program at Sick Kids, a unique project in Canada that has grown in scope to address future fertility concerns for pediatric patients at risk, most notably those receiving chemotherapy and radiation. Armando is also actively involved in multiple national and international societies, currently serving in the execute committee of the Society for Fetal Urology and the Pediatric Urology Oncology Working Group of the Society for Pediatric Urology. One of the most exciting aspects of his academic mission is traveling to different parts of the word, interacting with scientist and health care providers, sharing ideas and seeking collaboration.